Windows 10 not starting black screen with cursor free. Windows 10 black screen with cursor after login

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- Windows 10 black screen with cursor after login - Microsoft Community 


Windows 10 Black Screen with Cursor [SOLVED] - Driver Easy


Ask a new question. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. In case, if anyone out there has the same issue, you can try the following option to resolve the issue. Whenever you end up with 'Windows 10 blank screen with cursor after login' follow below solution. Step 3: Type at Run ' services.

Step 4: Under the services, look for the service name 'AppReadiness' and double click on the 'AppReadiness" service. Step 5: It will open 'AppReadiness' properties. Click on startup type and select 'Disabled", Click Apply and click ok. Choose where you want wiith search below Search Search the Community.

Search the community sfarting support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Hi, I have been trying to login to my computer for wtih days but every blacck I enter my password a black screen with only a cursor appears. I am unable to access anything on my computer besides task manager.

I tried to run explorer. Hope you can help. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same screeh Report приведенная ссылка. Details required :. Cancel Submit.

DaveM Independent Advisor. Please try each option one at windows 10 not starting black screen with cursor free time, windows 10 not starting black screen with cursor free see of Windows will boot. How satisfied are you with this reply?

Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. I hope, you might have resolved the issue. Restart the system and you should be able to login without any issues. The above fix resolves what it says in the subject and could be a workaround solution only. This site nor other languages x.

